Honour A Teacher Project

Join us in honoring extraordinary educators, fueling their passion to make a difference. Let’s shine a spotlight on their tireless efforts, empowering them to continue their impactful journey

Impact Stories

See how teachers are making impact around the globe

About Us

We organize events and initiatives that honour all educators for their essential work and the difference they make in others’ lives. Educators deserve year-round praise for their dedication and perseverance to encourage them to do more, knowing that their sleepless nights spent marking scripts by candlelight do not go unnoticed.

For believing in us more than we do, opening our minds to new possibilities, their hard work, never giving up on us, turning our weaknesses into strengths, helping us discover our passion, being our best guides, and knowing us in and out we celebrate the teachers that we have encountered and heard about. It’s time for all of us to give these silent heroes the recognition they deserve. It’s time for us to thank them by letting the world know about their contribution.

Our Motivation

Teachers have a significant influence on our lives. They do this by sharing their knowledge and constantly inspiring us to dream, fight, and never give up. Every day, they work tirelessly to ensure our success. We wouldn’t be where we are today if it weren’t for them. Our motivation at Honour a Teacher includes the following:


Innovator of the Year

For teachers who use innovative solutions to overcome barriers to learning

Excellence in Special Needs Education

For teachers who are undaunted by the challenges of teaching children with special needs even though the environment may not be adequately equipped.

Teaching Team of the Year

An educational team that uses teamwork to inspire and engage learners to achieve their full potential

Lifetime Achievement

For teachers who have dedicated their life to the teaching profession and are approaching the end of their career

Administrator of the Year

For individuals who do not teach but is outstanding in keeping the school running

Newcomer of the year

For early career teachers who have already distinguished themselves with their drive and impact.

Excellence in English or science, technology, engineering or maths (STEM)

Excellence in Sports or the Creative Arts

Inclusive Opportunities for Skills Development

Making parents and children aware, and understand the value, of skills for lifelong learning

Mental health and Well-being Champion

Going the Extra Mile (GEM) Award


Your donations grant us the much-needed financial support to celebrate deserving teachers with awards, teaching supplies, gift cards, cash gifts. It also contributes towards in the planning of award events.

Awardee Highlights


Awardee Name

Aliquet adipiscing vivamus ultrices ipsum, commodo vitae, elit nec ipsam luctus. 


Awardee Name

Aliquet adipiscing vivamus ultrices ipsum, commodo vitae, elit nec ipsam luctus. 

Awardee Name

Aliquet adipiscing vivamus ultrices ipsum, commodo vitae, elit nec ipsam luctus. 


Awards Shows

Donation of Teaching Supplies

Networking Opportunities for teachers and education administrators in education

How we Honour a Teacher

Financial Rewards

We provide cash gifts to support teachers who sometimes spend part of their salary to buy teaching materials, especially in rural schools.


We organize yearly award events where deserving teachers are presented with awards after amassing winning votes in their respective nomination categories.

Career Opportunities

We recommend teachers with outstanding performances for higher career positions. This stems from our belief that the most impactful teachers should hold meaningful roles to transform the educational sector.

Special Recognition

Involve school administration by writing them to ensure teachers get recognition for their work that later reflects well on their professional careers.


Donation of teaching supplies and resources


Gift card, dinner/ lunch dates

Honour Your Teacher

Share your story on how a teacher of yours (past or present) has impacted your life positively